A Complete Guide on How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose

Nov 25, 2023 By Nancy Miller

Blackheads are a form of acne that appear on the nose if dead skin cells and oil accumulate and clog the pores in your skin. They are also named open comedones. Squeezing one is likely to reveal more blackheads for you to deal with, leaving your skin red, swollen, and irritated from all the prodding and poking.

Although it feels good to squeeze out a blackhead, poking the area can harm the skin, causing irritation and scarring. A dermatologist might suggest some treatments, which are described below. Want to know what those suggestions are? Keep reading this article on How to get rid of blackheads on nose - according to a dermatologist, you will get all the answers you need.

What are Blackheads?

Your skin continuously breaks off, blocking your pores with dead skin cells, and oil which is released by your skin and gets mixed up with those cells. As a result of this, dark pores on your nose, cheeks, chin, and ears, which are called blackheads, might start to appear. They are oily and clear and turn black when exposed to oxygen.

What Causes Blackheads?

Acne usually develops when particles accumulate on the skin pores and block them; the type of acne depends on what clogs the pores. As mentioned above, excessive oil and dead skin clogs the pores when you have blackheads. Blackheads can appear on anybody. However, a few things raise your risk, like:


The menstrual cycle, puberty, and pregnancy can all cause hormonal changes that can make blackheads more likely to occur. For instance, androgens, or male sex hormones, increase during puberty. The glands that release sebum can be expanded by androgens.


Genetics is another factor that can be a cause of blackheads. If you or anyone in your family have acne, you may be more likely to develop blackheads.

Some drugs

Some drugs can more likely cause you to develop blackheads by changing the hormones in the body, and those drugs are Lithium and corticosteroids.


Although anyone of any age can develop blackheads, teenagers are more likely to get them than others.

How To Treat Blackheads According to Dermatologist

Want to know how to remove blackheads on nose and other areas of your skin? A dermatologist suggests various treatments to decrease the accumulation of dead cells from the skin and prevent oil from blocking the pores. For your information, the following are some of the treatments briefly discussed.


Usually, for treating severe acne, a dermatologist might prescribe antibiotics for a short period, but one should complete the antibiotic course for the medication to be effective.


A dermatologist might suggest gradually including retinoids in your skincare routine. You can start by using a small amount on alternate days and eventually increase the use of retinoids daily.

Chemical Exfoliators

Want to know how to remove deep blackheads? Well, using chemical exfoliators can help in removing the debris in your pores, especially blackheads.


In this treatment, blackheads are removed by exfoliation of the skin by a dermatologist. The skin's outer layer is removed with a device by the dermatologist, followed by him lightly moisturizing the affected areas. It is a 40-minute procedure in which people usually get between 5 and 16 sessions. You need to give your skin extra attention after every session, such as protecting it from the sun and lightly moisturizing it.

Comedo Extraction

In this treatment blackheads are removed by a dermatologist using sterile instruments. It is usually used in cases where no other treatment works. Nevertheless, blackheads cannot be cured by this procedure.

Chemical Peel

Chemical peels aid in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, dermatologists also remove blackheads with this procedure. For instance, general anesthesia will be given if you have a deep peel. The dermatologist will gently apply sections of the chemical peel. Finally, the affected areas will have surgical dressings applied by the dermatologist.

On the other hand, anesthesia is not required for a medium peel. A dermatologist will recommend applying a cool compress and light cream to the face after the peel.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatment might be an effective treatment for blackheads when combined with other therapies. But only specific kinds of lasers can get rid of blackheads.

On the other hand, photo pneumatic therapy reduces blackheads by removing oil and dead skin cells using an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser and a vacuum. Multiple sessions are required when opting for laser therapy. Additionally, mild side effects like burning and stinging may occur with laser therapies.

How to Avoid Getting Blackheads

Consider using some of the following advice to avoid blackheads in the future:

Avoid touching your face: Despite how incredibly tempting it may be, resist the urge to remove the blackheads on your own.

Opt for items that will not block your pores: Choose non-comedogenic and oil-free products.

Continue to be consistent: Using blackhead-curing products is not as beneficial as maintaining consistency in your skincare routine.

Avoid wearing hats too much: Although headbands and caps cannot cause blackheads, they may contribute to aggravating acne.

Keep your hair out of your face: Your hair is another possible source of blackheads. If you have bangs or a fringe, the oil buildup on your hair can clog the pores.

Remove your makeup before going to bed: If you wear makeup, make sure to take it off before going to bed, followed by an excellent facial cleansing.


Acne that appears as blackheads is caused by accumulated dead skin cells and oil in your pores. Getting rid of acne is a gradual process that needs consistency, patience, and determination. It would help if you were consistent in your skincare regime, targeting the leading cause of the occurrence of blackheads. If they still appear persistently, then dermatologist blackhead removal treatment is what you will need.

In the article How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose - According to a Dermatologist, a number of treatments for blackheads elimination from the nose and other skin has been deeply explained, and we hope it will guide you in treating your own blackheads effectively.

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